
Tuesday, March 8, 2011

CCC 35

I can not believe that this is the last challenge that Linda at Studio L3 is hosting.  I had the best intentions of completing every weekly challenge--however life took over and I moved back to my home State of South Dakota.  I did in spirit keep up with the challenges, previewing Linda's site weekly.  When I saw this was the last challenge, I knew that I had to participate.  Plus the prize package is a great one.  The stamp set is one that I have always wanted.  I think it would be great to win this challenge.  So with that being said. . .here is my submission.   


  1. Great piece, the photo on the cage looks super.

  2. I love how you did the pic in the cage...what a great idea!

  3. This is so cool Jason. I love how you made it look like the pages were ripping apart and sewn back together. And love what you've done with the bars to the birdcage--very clever.

  4. Jason! I've missed you and I'm so happy to see you back for the Grand Finale! I hope life in South Dakota is wonderful. :-)

    Your creation is fabulous! I love how you incorporated the Design Details challenge into the page-- the wire stitching and brads look great, and the broken bird cage is such a strong metaphor for allowing your creativity to soar! Well done, my friend.

    I hope to see you for the next chapter...

  5. Great card! love how he is breaking out of the cage:)

  6. Love how you've used the bird cage :D
    sTAy iNkY
    huGs MiNXy

  7. Great piece Jason!

  8. Great card liking how you used the bird cage!

  9. love how you've used the birdcage as a frame great idea

  10. I love the page and how the birdcage frames the picture. oh that is so clever.
