
Sunday, February 27, 2011

altered ancestors

WOW!  what a month.  Not only has there been a lot of snow my computer crashed.  Not to worry I was told that the hard drive is fine, and that it is an issue with the power supply.  Thank goodness for that, I was worried that I would have lost all of my clip art and projects.  Well I ended up getting a new lap top which is great I can hook it up to my TV and watch shows that are not available up here in South Dakota that I had in Texas.

My craft room is coming along the walls are painted. and the cabinets have been built.  Time to organize.  But before I start that I had to finish up a Swap:  Altered Ancestors, hosted by Gloria at All Things Tim, Yahoo Group. 

I wanted to share a couple of pics one is of the front.  The alteration of this pic, which is my favorite pic that I have in my collection, putting glasses made out of electrical wire sent to me by my great friend Liz.  I have come to call this young man Nigel Pinkston. 

The concept of this swap was to take a photo of prior to 1950 an "ancestor" an alter to pic.

The back of the page was not to be left blank , so Thank you to another good friend, Inge from Belgium, took this picture of Nigel Pinkston and created a rubber stamp for me.  I love it and thank you Inge.

Stamping the image, I then created a mask and stamped the fabric stamp over the page, adding the pointing finger and a stamped image of a Kirby Ink ad.

It feels so good to be connected back to the world wide web and my blog and back to my crafting.

Please let me know what you think of this project.  (Sorry that the pics are sideways, still learning this computer)



  1. Fabulous work, and good to see you blogging again. I'm in this swap too and hope I'm fortunate enough to receive one of your pages.

  2. Great work Jason; such a fun swap!

  3. Your page is very nice Jason! Love your vintage stuff here on your blog.


  4. great job. it would be lovely to get one of your pages in my book.

  5. Hello Jason,

    yes, it's funny to keep my head turned completely to the right to see you photos !

    I enlarged them to see the details : I like the glasses Nigel wears and the embossed text in the packaging.

    I'm glad you also used the stamp of Nigel !!
    I hope there will be a lot of occassions in which you can use him !

    greetings from belgium

  6. Jason,

    Do you know a lot of the advertising on your blog is from Belgium !?!
    They just made an advertise for shoes from Ghent !! I live 10 miles from there !

    greetings from belgium
