
Saturday, July 17, 2010

Great Day at Scrapbook 911

Today at my favorite Scrapbook Store Scrapbook 911 (Check out their blog, I am honored by the comments about me)  they hosted a Tim Play day where we got to work on projects with the Tim"esque" vibe.  I was asked to teach a Make & Take.  I taught Photo Tinting with Distress Inks. .. It was a great day and I learned how to play with Beeswax.  Enjoy the pics

And now some pics of the Make & Take . . . Photo Tinting with Distress Ink.


  1. Looks like a lot of fun, Jason, congrats on teaching, looks like you were made for the job!

  2. Hello Jason,

    fun to put a face on a name !!!
    you look like Tim with all those ladies around you ! ROFL
    Congratulations on your teaching ( I hop over to read the comment about you...)
    I know you can tint photos with distress inks, but haven't done it already. Do you use images printed on photopaper for this ?

    I also like the borders around your photos. Is is a digital image you use in photoshop or is this a part of your websiteprogram ?

    If it's a digital image, would you share it with me ? I like the old photoborder..I could scan an old photo and use this in photoshop, but I don't have a tattered one and that's just what's so nice.

    greetings from Belgium

  3. I am sorry that I missed it! It looks like yall had a lot of fun & the tags look fabulous! I hope that they (911) do it again!

  4. Great photos! you did a wonderful teaching, love all the great photos you shared with us, the guy in the tub is a favorite to all!
    Can't wait til the next get together. Love all your tags today!
