
Saturday, July 24, 2010

CCC# 6 and Something fun

what a busy week. . this past week at work getting ready for a retreat, and the start of the school year, but I did manage to get my submission done for the CC Challenge that Linda is hosting at Studio L3

This tag is inspired by my Parents.  and their special code-- 143!  right back at you Mawww and Pawww.

I also wanted to share with you a piece that I created from the Tim Play day at Scrapbook 911 from last week.  the challenge was to create something with the 3 objects that we were given.  the Objects being, a ticket, mini fragment, & memo pin. 

Happy scrapping!


  1. Jason, these are both great cards (as always!) and you did a beautiful job with the Multi-Medium technique for your submission! Now we're all wondering what 143 means! This is so special, and I have no doubt your parents will love it!

  2. wonderful tag! My daugher always uses the 143 and I know exactly what it means!

  3. I love your work! But now all I can think about is 143. C'mon, Jason, spill the beans..inquiring minds want to know!
