
Monday, July 26, 2010

Compendium of Curiosities Challenge # 7

This week which is week 7 of the Compendium of Curiosities hosted by Linda at Studio L3 involves vintage photos, my favorite, alcohol ink another favorite, & fragments, how can you not love fragments.
and here is my creation. . .

The Age of Revolution, Day One, on the job meeting the supervisor at the front door, getting ready to do so accounting. . .


Sunday, July 25, 2010

Halloween in Wonderland

So the folks at Graphic 45 came out with this great paper. . .Halloween in Wonderland.  With such great paper, what can be created to showcase the great images.   I decided to create a faux paper bag mini album.  These mini albums are so fun and easy to make.  So with that said here is my creation for the Halloween in Wonderland paper.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

CCC# 6 and Something fun

what a busy week. . this past week at work getting ready for a retreat, and the start of the school year, but I did manage to get my submission done for the CC Challenge that Linda is hosting at Studio L3

This tag is inspired by my Parents.  and their special code-- 143!  right back at you Mawww and Pawww.

I also wanted to share with you a piece that I created from the Tim Play day at Scrapbook 911 from last week.  the challenge was to create something with the 3 objects that we were given.  the Objects being, a ticket, mini fragment, & memo pin. 

Happy scrapping!

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Great Day at Scrapbook 911

Today at my favorite Scrapbook Store Scrapbook 911 (Check out their blog, I am honored by the comments about me)  they hosted a Tim Play day where we got to work on projects with the Tim"esque" vibe.  I was asked to teach a Make & Take.  I taught Photo Tinting with Distress Inks. .. It was a great day and I learned how to play with Beeswax.  Enjoy the pics

And now some pics of the Make & Take . . . Photo Tinting with Distress Ink.

Monday, July 12, 2010

CCChalleng # 5 Distress Powder

Can I just say that I love- love -love Distress Embossing Powder, I remember when I first purchased it, the Lady at the LSS, stated if you want embossing powder that is not embossing powder, I said that is ok I love the color and my first one I bought was Mustard Seed, I was working on a layout for my father, and his Vintage John Deer Tractor that he was restoring and the color was perfect and the distress of the powder added to the Vintage feel.  So I love this weeks challenge from Linda at Studio L3.  I choose to use one of the new stamps that I won from Tim, from the Retro Halloween Set. The Powder colors I used a dash of Vintage Photo and a pinch ok a few pinches of Old Paper. . . and here is what I call Halloween X-Ray.

And this post would not be complete if I did not include my very first use of Distress Embossing Powder, here is the layout I did for my Father for a Christmas present.

and yes if you look close enough that is me on the tractor, actually it is my Fathers four Sons, all on dad's tractor.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Compendium of Curiosities Challenge Week 4

Week 4 Challenge "Shabby Chic"

Can you believe that we are already into week 4 of Linda's Compendium of Curiosities Challenge. Where details of this challenge can be seen here at Studio L3

This was  a fun challenge as I have done it before for a swap, however little impatient me did not allow the second layer to dry and I messed up the first attempt.  So after careful planning and thinking in my head I came up with this. . .