
Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Tim Holtz' visits Presentation College in Aberdeen, SD

Ok well Tim himself did not visit but his inks did, how many of you are able to take your hobby to work with you.  I was able to do just that today and it was awesome.  At Presentation College in Aberdeen, SD where I am the Director of Human Resources, and love it, we held today a special party for the Sisters of the Presentation.  The day is called Presentation Day which is celebrated November 21st.  It is a day that honors the presentation of God to Mary.

Ok so with this party in honor of the sisters for their contributions to and the starting of the college, we hold this party.  In the years prior to my arrival table tents/centerpieces were the following:

Not too bad it shares the information and the story and purpose for the celebration.  So when I saw what they have done in the past I decided that I could do something even better.  So I came up with this:

The verbiage is the same, I added the lantern and inked around the edges (with Vintage Photo) of the table tent, I looked at it and decided that was not enough so I cut out a lantern attached it to the LED Tea light candle cut a hole in the bottom of the tent and inserted the lantern giving it a 3D effect.  The Sisters and the faculty and staff Loved this and asked me where I got the verbiage, I replied it is the same verbiage that was from the past years, they responded oh we did not notice. 

So it was a great day at work where I was able to showcase my talents, and hear the compliments of the Sisters and Employees where I work.  Oh and did I mention that I love where I work. . .



  1. Very nice, Jason!! VERY nice!
    (Do you like your new job? *lol*)

  2. I'm with Nancy . . . nice . . . VERY nice!

  3. Hello Jason,

    it's been a long time since we heard from you or since I was on your blog !

    You job wouldn't be my cup of tea, but it's great that the job you moved for , is so much something you like.

    Great idea with the lantern ! I can imagine not creative people are overwhelmed by such presentation. You have offered them something to taste, I bet you will have to show more in the future ! :)

    greetings from belgium

  4. You did a great job, and I'm sure you're thrilled to be able to bring your two world together, so to speak.
    Watch out....every time a birthday or graduation comes up, someone will be asking you to "make a little something," LOL. But you'll love it!

  5. Well done Jason, way to dress it up!! Glad you are enjoying your job.
