
Monday, October 18, 2010

CCC # 18

I am back. . . the silence has been broken. . . I am still not completely unpacked but, in going through some projects that I have worked on. I had one that I could post for this weeks challenge "Dabber Resist" .  I find it very fitting since this past weekend was the opening of Pheasant Hunting season.  the bird with a broken wing, reminding us to embrace imperfection. . .

Happy Stamping I am so glad to be back!


  1. Very cool Jason :) Welcome back! Hope the move went smoothly.

  2. I like this very much, as well as what you are saying. good job

  3. Embrace imperfection . . . yes.
    Love the addition of the twine in the bird's beak. Nice tag Jason *smiles*

  4. Welcome back, Jason! Great tag, and very creative!

  5. Yay, Jason! Welcome back. You've been very missed and it's so great to see you!

    This is a beautiful tag with a lovely message for us all. Your dabber resist technique is totally flawless, and your design skills are as wonderful as ever. That bird is awesome!

    I'm so glad you dove back in, and I'm looking forward to more of your art!

  6. Yes! Jason is back! Your blogposts have been missed, and it's really great to have you back.
    Love this tag, it's details and message. Thanks for sharing.

  7. Very clever Jason. Love how it all turned out. Glad you are back 'live' again!

  8. so good to see you back online! Love the tag, but miss you more, hope you are happy in your new home!

  9. Welcome back, Jason! Love this tag .. and the article on the hometown boy, returning home. Very cool!

  10. Love your blog background, too! Looks soooo familiar ... *lol*
