
Monday, August 9, 2010

CCC # 9

well this is going to be one of the last challenges that I complete in Texas. . . so how fitting to go the following

Texas painted with Clear Rock Candy and the flower painted with Antique Linen Crackle paint. both ages with Walnut Stain Distress Ink. . .

South Dakota here I come



  1. Fabulous ! I hope that doesn't mean you won't enter anymore challenges. This is so great, discovered some new colors I didn't know about.

  2. I love it! Can't wait to see how South Dakota inspires you.

  3. Fab piece, good luck with the move and the new job.

  4. That is exciting news Jason! Looking forward to reading/hearing all about South Dakota and the move.

  5. Thanks all I am so excited to be moving back home to South Dakota, I do know that there will be a strong Wizard of Oz influence, as Aberdeen is where Frank L Baum wrote the wizard of oz. I love that book/movie.

  6. Congratulations, Jason! I'm really excited for you and have no doubt you'll find all KINDS of inspiration in your new home.

    Your farewell-to-Texas piece is awesome, and the crackle technique is PERFECT for it. Love that background color, too.

    Best of luck on your own yellow brick road!

  7. How exciting for you!! wonderrul challenge piece!

  8. Great job on your Farewell to Texas piece!! Looks really nice.
    Thanks also for linking to my Tim Holtz Blog Candy Giveaway. I really appreciate it. And I have really had fun looking at all the blogs. I have been so inspired!! Thanks.
    Good luck on your new job, your trip to SD and on possibly winning my candy!!! LOL Stacy H-W

  9. Fabulous textures!

  10. Lovely evocative piece - and bon voyage!

  11. oh this is so cool, but so sad for me! I wish you all the best, but will so miss you in TT class as well as a friend!
