
Wednesday, June 30, 2010

CC Challenge Week 3 ~Alcohol MonoPrint Mona~

Week 3's CC challenge was the Alcohol Ink Monoprint.  I love using alcohol ink, getting the intense colors, for this piece of art I used the metallic mixative Pearl, which it gave it a more mutes tone.  in the picture there are two tags, the one on the left the colors are more intense, however I did not like how I stamped the Mona Lisa.  So I did the second.

And now the Alcohol ink Monoprint Mona.

Notice the Fragment, inspired from last weeks challenge.

The saying states. . .
"While an original is always hard to find, it is easy 2 recognize."

Stayed tuned for next weeks Challenge.

Be sure to swing by Linda's Blog, Studio L3 to see other great Alcohol Monoprint art work.


  1. Beautiful, Jason! I tried all the metallic
    mixatives....will try some with the pearl now too. Thanks!

  2. Fabulous tags, Jason! I like both methods of stamping, actually, and this image lends itself so well to the great colors you used! You're a talented guy, and I always look forward to seeing your art!

    (By the way, your vampire is on his way to you now. I got a little bogged down with end-of-the-month stuff, but he's en route and I apologize for the delay!).

    Talk to you soon!


  3. Very cool, love how your background turned out!

  4. Hey Jason... LOVE them both... the offset stamping of Mona is just brill... and loving those colours :O)) Very impressive .. Hels x

  5. Great composition! And how fun is it to say monoprint mona!

  6. I really like them both - you can't go wrong with Mona! Love your muted colours. Cheers!

  7. They are terrific, love them both. Annette x

  8. I like the subtle tones you've created - seem fitting for Mona somehow. I also like how the first one is really bright and looks as though there is light behind it. Lovely, both of them!

  9. Jason-You lucky Dog! I just saw on Tim Holtz blog that you won! Congratz! I will be out of town for the next Totally Tim class- so I wont see sa for a while! Oh...btw..Your creations look amazing!

  10. Wow, I think both of these are beautiful. Love the mix of color and shape elements!
