
Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter & New Tag! Simon Says Stamp Challenge

First Happy Easter! My day was great made a nice helping of Migas, and of course I make it into a taco, which is kind of funny as it has tortillas in it, but I think it is easier to eat that way.

And Today was a me in the studio day and I want to say that I have finished my tags for the Simon Says Stamp Challenge ( I LOVE THAT SITE) and for Pam's Collaborative Chaos Swap,I used the Tim's Rusted Enamel Technique, using the base color of Mustard Seed and then using Wild Honey and Vintage Photo.
Hope ya'll hade a great day and Easter.


  1. Hello Jason,

    I'm busy on making my tags too, I'm sorry I'm not in your group :(
    Guess what ? I used the same technique !!
    I'm busy in blue... haha, not really a surprise if you know me, but actually I only have the tumbled glass blue as one of the new inks...

    From all the things in Tim's book this is my most favorite and I used it already several times in several colors and I like it in every color !

    Your orange is great and you used nice embellishments.

    Thanks for sharing
    greetings from belgium

  2. Thank I love this technique I do it a little different as I Tap off the powder but then I use a foam brush to take of een more, I used the colors Red (Barn Door) and Black soot that is a very nice combo.

  3. Gorgeous Tag...I guess I neet to check out that site!

  4. Hello Jason,

    I just saw your comment on my blogpost.
    Me too I wished you ( and Brian) were in my group... but maybe in future swaps we will be again !
    greetings from Belgium

  5. Jason - I just love that skeleton inside the bird card - perfect!!!

  6. Just found your blog! Love this tag.. it is beautiful!
