
Tuesday, January 5, 2010

a moment of panic

So I went to Scrapbook Cottage, where I already purchased some paper for the upcoming Circus Swap. I have my concept in mind and knowing now what to create, I needed more of that paper, when I walked in the store I saw that it was gone, a small streak of panic riplled through me, I asked the clerk and she said they bought a new shipment in and a big sale over the weekend and thoguht it was gone. I decide to walk the store and looks at the new arrivals, and lo and behold I found it. But I am thinking that it still may not be enough. So hopefully they will be able to get some more in if I need it.

Happy creating

1 comment:

  1. Hello Jason,

    maybe a solution : scan your paper and print it out ! Then you'll have the same;

    I often do that... I do not want to buy much paper cause I have stuff enough and love to create my own backgrounds.
    But sometimes I 'm too tempted and lately I bought some gorgeous halloween scrapbookpaper. I just don't dare to use it ... So, I scanned some of them, used them as backgrounds for my blogposts and I can print them out now too...

    greetings from Belgium
