
Monday, July 16, 2012

Altered Cigar Box

I signed up for a swap, where we were to alter a cigar box.  This being my first altered cigar box, I found it somewhat of a challenge, a challenge that I was willing to accept.

Inspiration for my theme was suggested by the person that was assigned as my swap partner. . .Shabby Chic.  The main technique was inspired by Tim Holtz's "Enameled Metals" for the book, A Compendium of Curiosities Vol. II.

Some Glossy Accents Crackle, some Peeled Paint Distress Stain.

Inside some bling and a daisy colored with Vintage Photo Distress Stain.

Inside bottom interesting wallpaper samples that I have had in my collection for many years,  this being the perfect opportunity to part with one sheet.

And for a little surprise, using the left over images, note cards for my swap partner.

I hope you like my first attempt at Altered Cigar Boxes.

~The Creative Scrapping Guy

Friday, June 8, 2012

Fun with my Antique Store Find

I have been wanting to create my own set of ink blending tools, an idea that I saw on pinterest via Lollyrot Scrapbooking's Blog using chess pieces. Shown here:

After searching rummage sales and auction sales, I was unable to find a chess set that I liked and would go with the theme of my craft room.

Last week when I made a visit to the Antique store I found the following items:
Old Wooden Thread Spools

A very interesting Hinged Wooden Box

After seeing these items my creative mind start thinking and this is what I came up with:

The box turned out to be a vintage sign making kit, included in the box were two old ink pads along with four brushes.  This box being a perfect addition to my craft room.  For the blending tools I glued the spools to wood pieces.  But to add to the charm and whimsy, I took white thread and using each color of Distress Ink I colored the thread and wrapped it around the spool.  I really am please how these blending tools turned out and they go very well with my Creating Scrapping Guy Craft Room theme.

Two other items that I found are vintage printing plates, which happen to be of the two lakes that are close to my family home. Mina Lake and Richmond Lake.

I of course needed to ink them up and stamp their images.  These vintage pieces will make some great backgrounds.

The Creative Scrapping Guy

Also, wanted to let you know that the Creative Scrapping Guy Mercantile my online scrapping store is now selling Graphic 45 two new collections:

Stop by my store and check it out.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Tim Holtz June tag

I love this month's Tag Technique that Tim Holtz has shared on with blog

I love using nibs to colorize and tint black and white photos.

Here are some of my projects where I have used nibs to tin and colorize

Happy Scrapping
~The Creative Scrapping Guy

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Back in the Craftroom -- Happy Mother's Day

Now that my classes are coming to an end for the session I had some time to get in to my craftroom and create a gift for my mother.  Inspired by Tim Holtz's tag for May.

To all the Mothers in the world and of course my very own.
Happy Mother's Day
The Creative Scrapping Guy

Friday, April 6, 2012

Back in the Craftroom

So after a long leave of absence, I stepped back into my craftroom and came up with this. . .
Happy Crafting. . .

the Creative Scrapping Guy

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Digi Playing today

Creating some Digi Creations today.. .