
Tuesday, February 23, 2010

A new tage inspired from Totally Tim Class from Sunday 2/21/10

A tag I created inspired by sticky back canvas transfer. However LSS was out of sticky back canvas, so I thought to myself . . . hmmm cheese cloth, so I was able to get Claudine Hellmuth's multi medium, slabbed it on the cheesecloth and viola. The numbers are from Tim's stamp set "oranate collages" adhered to a fragment.

I will get pics of the two tags that we created in the class shortly.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Black & White Tag Swap

I finished my tags for the B&W swap. . . see below

and I was asked for a teaser pic of my circus page so here it is

Thursday, February 11, 2010

things I have been working on

I am in the middle of two swaps a black & white tag swap, the concept I came up with it really neat, I am almost done with all tags, the due date for these is April 1.  Nothing like jumping ahead and getting it done.  I will be posting the final product hoepfully tomorrow.

The Circus swap, all items are cut and it just needs to be assembled.  I plan on getting this done by the end of the week.

And I have been making mini grungepaper roses, I adhere dictonary pages to the grunge paper cut the flower with my cricut and ink using distress ink and distress stickles.  I love the small size of them.

and still no job--that sucks!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Fun Day at the antique store

so we ventured out and went to a huge antique store. . . lots of fun things that I wanted to get but needed to spend wisely.  I did purchase a vintage postcard from 1909. for only a $1.00.  Cant's wait to do some crafting with it.

Friday, February 5, 2010

contest update

Ok I didn't win boo! but wanted to share with you the picture that we were to draw inspiration from.  Then scroll down and see yesterdays post of my submission.  let me know your thoughts

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Card I made for a contest

Please see two pics of a card I made for a contest.